Orthopedic Injuries

ACL Tear Symptoms: Popping, Pain, and More

Tennis player on the ground in pain with ACL tear injury.

Knee injuries are as common as they are frustrating, and, among them, ACL tears stand out for their particular impact on athletes. ACL tears affect one out of every 3,500 people in the U.S. each year—that’s almost half of all knee injuries—and there are approximately 400,000 ACL reconstruction procedures each year to fix them. If…

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Is Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery Worth It?

A man in a blue shirt holding his right shoulder in pain.

Arthroscopic shoulder surgery has a high success rate. It can be a beneficial procedure for treating conditions such as rotator cuff tears, labral tears, instability, impingement, arthritis, and synovitis, as well as general pain, stiffness, and tendon injuries. But, like any surgery, there are pros and cons. Patient outcomes from arthroscopic procedures can vary widely…

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Understanding Knee Surgery: 8 Knee Surgery Types & Their Benefits

An older man sits on a couch holding his knee in pain.

The knee is essential for posture and movement, but its complex structure and the immense forces it endures make it vulnerable to injury. Overuse, trauma, or arthritis can lead to knee pain and instability, affecting your ability to move freely and enjoy daily life. If you’ve been dealing with persistent knee discomfort or instability, you…

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When Is Carpal Tunnel Bad Enough for Surgery?

A woman at her computer massaging the carpal tunnel in her wrist

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a familiar and widespread medical condition that can cause numbness, pain, or tingling in the wrist, hand, and forearm. While most people who experience mild symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome find relief through non-surgical treatments, there are cases where symptoms persist or worsen, making daily activities challenging or impossible, prompting the…

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What I Wish I Knew Before Knee Replacement Surgery

elderly man resting his knee during tennis

Knee replacement surgery can be a life-changing procedure, offering improved mobility and relief from chronic pain, but it’s important to do your research first. Understanding the preparation, the surgery itself, and the recovery can significantly enhance your outcome and overall experience. This blog will walk you through some key insights and practical advice from the…

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ACL Surgery Recovery Time: How Long Does It Take to Heal?

A woman wearing a knee brace post acl surgery.

The ACL, or Anterior Cruciate Ligament, is one of four major ligaments in the knee. ACL injuries are common among athletes, especially those who participate in sports that involve sudden stops and changes in direction, such as soccer, basketball, and football. However, ACL injuries can also occur in non-athletes due to accidents or falls. When…

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Hip Pain When Walking: 12 Common Causes

what causes hip pain that radiates down the leg

While healthy hips are easily taken for granted, hip pain can become all-consuming, significantly impacting daily activities like walking. This can be debilitating, so knowing the causes of hip pain is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. The hip, a major joint supporting your entire body, is susceptible to various pain sources. This guide explores…

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What Is Hip Arthroscopy and What Conditions Does It Treat?

Dr. Alexander performing hip replacement surgery

Your hips play an important role in navigating the world. Simple tasks like walking or bending over can become almost impossible if you experience hip pain or a reduced range of motion.  At Alexander Orthopaedic Associates, we look for minimally invasive ways to treat hip problems found in all types of patients. If we can…

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Ankle Arthroscopy: Preparation and Recovery

a woman with an ankle injury on a treadmill

If you’re suffering from persistent pain in your ankle from common problems such as arthritis, torn ligaments, cartilage injuries, bone fragments, impingement, or a buildup of scar tissue, ankle arthroscopy is a minimally invasive outpatient surgical treatment that can treat and fix the problem and put you on the road to a quick recovery. Explore…

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Knee Arthroscopy Recovery: Timing At-Home Care

Doctor examines patients knee as they lie down

Knee arthroscopy offers a minimally invasive solution to various knee problems, paving the way for a brighter future with improved mobility. However, the journey doesn’t end with the surgery itself. A crucial and exciting phase awaits you – recovering at home and returning to the activities you love. This blog offers practical tips and expert…

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