Posts Tagged ‘car accident’

5 Common Car Accident Treatments & Injuries

Young male driver with whiplash injury standing by damaged car after car accident.

Car crashes are a major cause of injuries in the United States, with nearly 12 out of every 1,000 people visiting the emergency room each year for crash-related injuries. Beyond the physical harm, victims often face stress, trauma, pain, social isolation, and life-altering changes like loss and disability. These challenges frequently interact, creating a cycle…

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What To Do After a Car Accident?

A young man grabbing his neck in pain after a car accident.

Accidents can turn an ordinary day into a whirlwind of chaos, confusion, and stress. No one plans for it, yet being prepared can make all the difference. Whether you’ve just been in an auto accident or are educating yourself on what to do when faced with one, it’s crucial to understand the steps you should…

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Common Car Accident Injuries and Treatment Options

Woman rubbing neck after car accident injury

Road traffic accidents are the leading cause of unintentional injuries and deaths worldwide, claiming over 100 lives daily. Accidents can cause both obvious and hidden injuries, with some not showing symptoms immediately—this is why any car accident victim should seek immediate treatment to avoid the potential short and long-term effects of untreated injuries. What is…

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5 Things to Do for Faster Car Accident Recovery

A woman resting on the couch with knee brace on recovering from a car accident

Being involved in a car accident can be an incredibly distressing experience, both mentally and physically. The trauma caused by the accident can leave victims feeling shaken and unable to return to their everyday lives. For many, the emotional impact is made worse by physical injuries. Car accidents often lead to head, neck, and back…

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Nausea and Vomiting after a Car Accident: What Does It Mean?

Woman with neck pain from whiplash looking at her phone after an accident

The aftermath of a car accident is usually overwhelming. You have to haggle with insurance companies, get broken limbs or sprains treated, and determine the best way to move forward with your life. In all that turmoil, it’s easy to ignore nausea, headaches, and other flu-like symptoms after the accident. However, if you experience any…

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What type of clinic is best for a car accident injury?

Car accident clinic

It’s always important to see a doctor after a car accident. Even minor automobile accidents can cause significant injuries that do long term damage to the human body if not treated properly. Depending on the severity of your injury after an accident, you’ll want to go to one of the following: A hospital emergency room …

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What Happens to Your Body After a Car Accident

Man in doctor's office holding his neck as if injured

There are a lot of variables in play during a car accident. The make and model of the cars involved, safety features such as seat belts and airbags, the speed the cars were going at the moment of collision – any one of these factors can make the difference between a minor interruption in your…

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Auto Injury Treatment in Palm Harbor

We don’t usually think about it, but driving a car is one of the riskiest things we do each day. In the U.S. there are about 6 million reported automobile accidents per year. In Florida alone, there were over 400,000 car accidents just in 2021, resulting in 253,000 reported injuries. While fatal car crashes grab…

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Leg Pain After a Car Accident

Man laying on sofa with his leg elevated due to leg pain from a car accident

There’s no shortage of injuries that can arise in the hours, days, and even weeks after being in a car accident. A fair number of injuries sustained in auto collisions occur in the lower extremities—37 percent of car accidents, in fact—so it’s safe to say that leg pain is common after a car accident. Learn…

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